A perfect way to try the Paul Davis Promise line of products. Each Sampler Pack consists of two boxes containing the following:
Box 1 of 2: Product Samples
- 1 Quart of each of the following 12 products
These are undiluted, so please dilute into the empty use-solution bottles in Box 2 before using
- ResQ Alk-Clean
- ResQ Astri-Clean
- ResQ Enz-CleanResQ Natural Clean
- ResQ Perox-Clean
- ResQ Solve-Clean
- ResQ Soot-Gone (flip-top cap) Not a concentrate, use undiluted
- Revive Spotter & Extractor
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Fresh
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Linen
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Summer Breeze
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Thyme
Box 2 of 2: Use-Solution Bottles & Sprayers
- 1 empty Quart Bottle for each of the 12 products in Box 1
Use these bottles to prepare diluted solutions of theh concentrates in Box 1
- ResQ Alk-Clean (blue sprayer)
- ResQ Astri-Clean (orange sprayer)
- ResQ Enz-Clean (white sprayer)
- ResQ Natural Clean (green sprayer)
- ResQ Perox-Clean (red sprayer)
- ResQ Solve-Clean (CC gray sprayer)
- ResQ Soot-Gone (high-viscosity sprayer) Not a concentrate, use undiluted
- Revive Spotter & Extractor (360° Spray-Right sprayer)
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Fresh (green sprayer)
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Linen (blue sprayer)
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Summer Breeze (purple sprayer)
- Realize Odor Encapsulant Thyme (CC gray sprayer)
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